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Birthday Parties

If you have a little yogi at home, why not throw him or her a Yoga Birthday Bash for their special day?


You can choose any theme for the party and I'll make sure to come up with a yoga adventure for it!

We'll move, play yoga games and of course do some special birthday yoga for the host!


We will finish up with a craft that the kids get to take home.


You can also choose to add on special yoga loot bags!

Theme ideas:

Princess, Anna & Elsa, Beach Party, Camping, Jungle, Under the Sea, Pirates, Magic, Star Wars, Super heroes, Spring/Garden, Winter Fun...


Time: between 60 and 90 minutes


Kids age: 4 - 99


Number of kids: 6 - 15


Requirements: Space to put down yoga mats for all the kids

I can provide yoga mats if needed.


Note: The perfect scenario is to have kids that are roughly the same age :) It gets a bit tricky when we have 5-year and 9-year olds in the same group. But siblings are of course always welcome!

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